27 research outputs found

    Poitou-Tate without restrictions on the order

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    The Poitou-Tate sequence relates Galois cohomology with restricted ramification of a finite Galois module MM over a global field to that of the dual module under the assumption that #M\#M is a unit away from the allowed ramification set. We remove the assumption on #M\#M by proving a generalization that allows arbitrary "ramification sets" that contain the archimedean places. We also prove that restricted products of local cohomologies that appear in the Poitou-Tate sequence may be identified with derived functor cohomology of an adele ring. In our proof of the generalized sequence we adopt this derived functor point of view and exploit properties of a natural topology carried by cohomology of the adeles.Comment: 28 pages; final version, to appear in Mathematical Research Letter

    Topology on cohomology of local fields

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    Arithmetic duality theorems over a local field kk are delicate to prove if chark>0\mathrm{char} k > 0. In this case, the proofs often exploit topologies carried by the cohomology groups Hn(k,G)H^n(k, G) for commutative finite type kk-group schemes GG. These "\v{C}ech topologies", defined using \v{C}ech cohomology, are impractical due to the lack of proofs of their basic properties, such as continuity of connecting maps in long exact sequences. We propose another way to topologize Hn(k,G)H^n(k, G): in the key case n=1n = 1, identify H1(k,G)H^1(k, G) with the set of isomorphism classes of objects of the groupoid of kk-points of the classifying stack BG\mathbf{B} G and invoke Moret-Bailly's general method of topologizing kk-points of locally of finite type kk-algebraic stacks. Geometric arguments prove that these "classifying stack topologies" enjoy the properties expected from the \v{C}ech topologies. With this as the key input, we prove that the \v{C}ech and the classifying stack topologies actually agree. The expected properties of the \v{C}ech topologies follow, which streamlines a number of arithmetic duality proofs given elsewhere.Comment: 36 pages; final version, to appear in Forum of Mathematics, Sigm

    The Manin constant in the semistable case

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    For an optimal modular parametrization J0(n)↠EJ_0(n) \twoheadrightarrow E of an elliptic curve EE over Q\mathbb{Q} of conductor nn, Manin conjectured the agreement of two natural Z\mathbb{Z}-lattices in the Q\mathbb{Q}-vector space H0(E,Ω1)H^0(E, \Omega^1). Multiple authors generalized his conjecture to higher dimensional newform quotients. We prove the Manin conjecture for semistable EE, give counterexamples to all the proposed generalizations, and prove several semistable special cases of these generalizations. The proofs establish general relations between the integral pp-adic etale and de Rham cohomologies of abelian varieties over pp-adic fields and exhibit a new exactness result for Neron models.Comment: 28 pages; final version, to appear in Compositio Mathematic

    Selmer groups as flat cohomology groups

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    Given a prime number pp, Bloch and Kato showed how the p∞p^\infty-Selmer group of an abelian variety AA over a number field KK is determined by the pp-adic Tate module. In general, the pmp^m-Selmer group SelpmA\mathrm{Sel}_{p^m} A need not be determined by the mod pmp^m Galois representation A[pm]A[p^m]; we show, however, that this is the case if pp is large enough. More precisely, we exhibit a finite explicit set of rational primes Σ\Sigma depending on KK and AA, such that SelpmA\mathrm{Sel}_{p^m} A is determined by A[pm]A[p^m] for all p∉Σp \not \in \Sigma. In the course of the argument we describe the flat cohomology group Hfppf1(OK,A[pm])H^1_{\mathrm{fppf}}(O_K, \mathcal{A}[p^m]) of the ring of integers of KK with coefficients in the pmp^m-torsion A[pm]\mathcal{A}[p^m] of the N\'{e}ron model of AA by local conditions for p∉Σp\not\in \Sigma, compare them with the local conditions defining SelpmA\mathrm{Sel}_{p^m} A, and prove that A[pm]\mathcal{A}[p^m] itself is determined by A[pm]A[p^m] for such pp. Our method sharpens the known relationship between SelpmA\mathrm{Sel}_{p^m} A and Hfppf1(OK,A[pm])H^1_{\mathrm{fppf}}(O_K, \mathcal{A}[p^m]) and continues to work for other isogenies ϕ\phi between abelian varieties over global fields provided that degϕ\mathrm{deg} \phi is constrained appropriately. To illustrate it, we exhibit resulting explicit rank predictions for the elliptic curve 11A111A1 over certain families of number fields.Comment: 22 pages; final version, to appear in Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Societ

    A modular description of X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n)

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    As we explain, when a positive integer nn is not squarefree, even over C\mathbb{C} the moduli stack that parametrizes generalized elliptic curves equipped with an ample cyclic subgroup of order nn does not agree at the cusps with the Γ0(n)\Gamma_0(n)-level modular stack X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) defined by Deligne and Rapoport via normalization. Following a suggestion of Deligne, we present a refined moduli stack of ample cyclic subgroups of order nn that does recover X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) over Z\mathbb{Z} for all nn. The resulting modular description enables us to extend the regularity theorem of Katz and Mazur: X0(n)\mathscr{X}_0(n) is also regular at the cusps. We also prove such regularity for X1(n)\mathscr{X}_1(n) and several other modular stacks, some of which have been treated by Conrad by a different method. For the proofs we introduce a tower of compactifications Ell‾m\overline{Ell}_m of the stack EllEll that parametrizes elliptic curves---the ability to vary mm in the tower permits robust reductions of the analysis of Drinfeld level structures on generalized elliptic curves to elliptic curve cases via congruences.Comment: 67 pages; final version, to appear in Algebra and Number Theor